Membership Application

Membership Options
Please select a membership type from the menu below to begin the application process.  Online membership application is open to two groups of people.  If you don't fit into one of these groups, you may enroll as a nonmember in order to register for the conference and access presentations.  Please note that conference registration is a separate process from this membership enrollment process.

Individual - Active:  Open to those who work directly for a public pension plan in North America.  Membership dues are $300.

Associate - Open to individuals who work for government agencies, nonprofit organizations or educational institutions but who do not work directly for a public pension plan.  Membership dues are $300.

Nonmember - Open to those who qualify to be an Individual - Active member or Associate member but do not want to pay the dues.  Only allows individuals to log in to the P2F2 website and register for the conference or webinars.  Membership cost is free.

Corporate - Open to those who work at "for profit" entities.  Please do not use this enrollment process to become a corporate member.  Instead, please contact the P2F2 administrator at to learn about your options and get enrolled.

Sponsor - Open to those who work for an entity that sponsors P2F2.  Please do not use this enrollment process to enroll as a sponsor.  Instead, please contact the P2F2 administrator at to be enrolled in our sponsor database.
Membership Type Details  
Membership Options


The Public Pension Financial Forum is organized for education, pension advocacy and networking purposes. To support the ongoing education of our membership, we prepare quarterly newsletters, hold member facilitated conference calls and webinars, and host an annual conference.  We also have a Member Forum that allows members to ask questions and receive answers from each other.  To participate in P2F2, follow the member enrollment link above.