Event Calendar

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

September 17, 2024 Webinar

Start Date: 9/17/2024 3:00 PM EDT
End Date: 9/17/2024 4:00 PM EDT

Organization Name: P2F2

Dave DeJonge
Email: information@p2f2.org
Phone: (763) 331-1706

We are excited to announce that Lawrence Mundy will be leading the next P2F2 quarterly webinar on Tuesday, September 17th from 3:00 - 4:00 Eastern Time.  The title of the webinar is "GASB Project Update 2024" and will be especially helpful to plan accountants who are responsible for financial reporting and keeping up to date on GASB Statements to ensure compliance with accounting standards.

Lawrence Mundy listens to public meetings of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) and the Governmental Accounting Standards Advisory Council (GASAC). Each month, he provides a report to the P2F2 Board about items of interest. At this webinar, Lawrence will discuss certain aspects of two newly issued Statements on Certain Risk Disclosures and Financial Reporting Model Improvements. Lawrence will also provide information about key aspects of certain projects on GASB’s technical agenda, such as, Going Concern Uncertainties and Severe Financial Stress, Infrastructure Assets and Subsequent Events. GASB’s website currently indicates they are targeting to issue a preliminary views or exposure draft document for several projects in the third and fourth quarter of 2024. Information provided at this session will include considerations specific to Plan reporting as well as general information on standard setting activities relevant to the broader governmental financial reporting community.

The webinar is free for members, and you will receive 1 CPE credit for attending.  Since the webinar is free, no refunds will be issued.

After attending this webinar, you will be able to:

  • Describe certain aspects of two newly issued Statements
  • Better understand key aspects of several projects on GASB's technical project agenda
  • Describe certain tentative decisions made by the GASB

Speaker Bios

Lawrence Mundy, CPA – Colorado School Districts Self Insurance Pool 

Lawrence Mundy, CPA, is the Manager of Financial Services at the Colorado School Districts Self Insurance Pool (CSDSIP). Lawrence prepares the Pool’s financial statements and budget, performs ad-hoc analysis for premium rate setting, handles property reinsurance reporting, and monitors the Pool’s solvency. Lawrence also develops automated reporting solutions for the Pool’s Claims and Underwriting Departments and is the main point-of-contact for the Pool’s external investment manager and insurance actuaries.

Lawrence previously served on the P2F2 Board and was Chairperson of P2F2’s Accounting and Technical Issues Review Committee in 2020 and 2021. Lawrence currently monitors the standard-setting activities of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) and other pension-focused organizations for the P2F2 Board.

Previously, Lawrence worked at a public pension plan where his primary focus was working on a wide-array of accounting and financial reporting activities. Lawrence also worked at a custodian bank and has worked with several U.S. and International Government-Sponsored Funds and Corporate-Sponsored Funds.

Lawrence received a B.S. degree in Commerce from DePaul University and a M.S. degree in Accounting from University of Illinois at Chicago. Lawrence is a licensed Certified Public Accountant in Colorado.

CPE Credit
P2F2 is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors.  For more information please visit www.nasba.org.  The webinar will be presented online in a Group Internet-based format.  This webinar is considered an update knowledge level.  There are no prerequisites and no advance preparation is required.  In keeping with NASBA requirements, P2F2 tracks attendance for CPE credit.  Attendees may earn 1 CPE credit in economics as long as they are logged in for at least 50 minutes and respond to at least 3 of the 4 polling questions spread throughout the webinar.  State Boards of Accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit.



The Public Pension Financial Forum is organized for education, pension advocacy and networking purposes. To support the ongoing education of our membership, we prepare quarterly newsletters, hold member facilitated conference calls and webinars, and host an annual conference.  We also have a Member Forum that allows members to ask questions and receive answers from each other.  To participate in P2F2, follow the member enrollment link above.