Event Calendar

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

2023 Conference Spouse/Guest Registration

Start Date: 10/8/2023 9:00 AM EDT
End Date: 10/11/2023 12:00 PM EDT

Venue Name: Embassy Suites Denver - Downtown

1420 Stout Street
Denver, CO  United States  80202

Organization Name: P2F2

Dave DeJonge
Email: information@p2f2.org
Phone: (763) 331-1706

This registration module is used to register guests of conference attendees for the Sunday evening welcome reception and/or the Tuesday evening dinner/reception at Empower Field at Mile High Stadium.  Please read the following before registering your guest:

  • The Sunday evening welcome reception will be held from 5:30 - 7:30 and will include drinks and light hors d'oeuvres.  The cost for guests to attend is $25.
  • The Tuesday evening dinner/reception will be held from 5:00 - 8:00 and will include a buffet dinner, stadium tours, and entertainment.  The cost for guests to attend is $80.
  • The cost to attend both events is $105.
  • Payments may be made by check or credit card.
  • Full refunds may be requested on or before September 15, 2023 by contacting Dave DeJonge at information@p2f2.org.  Refunds for guest registrations will not be allowed after September 15, 2023, since we will have provided venues with final counts that cannot be reduced.
  • Please enter the conference attendee's name on the first screen to begin the guest registration process.  The name(s) of your guest(s) will be requested on a separate screen.

Online Registration

Registration is Closed
Closed: 10/9/2023 11:45 PM

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The Public Pension Financial Forum is organized for education, pension advocacy and networking purposes. To support the ongoing education of our membership, we prepare quarterly newsletters, hold member facilitated conference calls and webinars, and host an annual conference.  We also have a Member Forum that allows members to ask questions and receive answers from each other.  To participate in P2F2, follow the member enrollment link above.