2023 Conference FAQ

1. What are the dates of the conference?
A: The conference begins at 1:00 on Sunday, October 8, 2023 and ends at noon on Wednesday, October 11th.  We will also have a pre-conference session that begins at 9:00 AM Sunday morning and ends at 11:45.  Lunch is included on Sunday for those who register for the pre-conference.

2. When is the conference registration period?
A: Registration opens on July 1 and closes at the end of the day on Friday, September 15th.

3. Do I need to be a P2F2 member to attend the conference?
 No. There is a non-member option. Non-members, however, pay an extra $300 to attend the conference (which is the cost of becoming a member), so for the same price, those who are eligible may be better off becoming members before registering for the conference. They would then be eligible to receive other member benefits (newsletters, webinars, etc.).

4. How do I register for the conference?
A: You must be logged in to the P2F2 website to register for the conference. If you are not enrolled in our membership system as a member or nonmember, see the next question/answer to get enrolled. Once you are logged in, click on “Account” at the top of the page and then on “Events & Registrations” on the left-hand side menu. You can then register for the conference.

5. If I have never been enrolled in the P2F2 membership system, how do I get enrolled as a member or nonmember?
A: If you are not in our membership system, click on “Membership” on our main page and then on “Member Enrollment.” Follow the prompts to enroll yourself as an “Individual – Active” or “Associate” P2F2 member, or a nonmember by clicking on the link that allows you to enroll electronically.  For additional instructions, click here.

6.  I was enrolled last year as a P2F2 member or a nonmember.  Is that membership still valid?
  Memberships are valid for a calendar year. If you were a P2F2 member in 2022 but did not renew your membership in 2023, you will need to renew your membership for 2023 before you can register for the conference.  To renew your membership, please login to the P2F2 website and click on "Renew Membership" on the sidebar menu.  Likewise, if you were enrolled as a nonmember in 2022, you will need to renew your nonmember "membership" through December 31, 2023 before you can register for the conference.

7. How much does it cost to become a P2F2 member?
A: Membership dues are $300 per calendar year to become a P2F2 member. Dues are discounted to $200 for those who renew their membership in January or February.

8. What are the qualifications to become a P2F2 member?
A: Membership is open to all employees of public pension plans in North America (and state boards of investment that handle the investments for public pension plans) and becomes effective once dues have been paid. P2F2 also has an “Associate” membership that is available to someone who does not work directly for a public pension plan, but works for a non-profit, governmental entity or educational institution and has job duties that require that person to interact with public pension plans. Examples include legislative auditors, state treasury department staff, and professors who teach pension plan accounting. Associate members are able to attend the conference at the member rate, but do not have regular membership rights.

9. If I become a member now, how long is the membership good for?
A: Memberships are good through the end of the calendar year, December 31, 2023. We no longer provide free memberships to conference attendees.

10. How much are conference registration fees?
A: The registration fee is $900 for P2F2 members and Associate members, and $1,200 for nonmembers.  However, a $100 discount is provided to those who register and pay on or before August 11th (the early-bird registration period), bringing the cost down to $800 for members and $1,100 for nonmembers.  For those who wish to attend the Sunday pre-conference session, there is an additional cost of $125, which includes the session, materials and lunch.

11. When must registration payments be received?
A: Registration fee payments must be received by midnight on September 15, 2023.  

12. What options do I have to pay the registration fee?
A: During the registration process you can pay by credit card or request that we send you an invoice. If you request an invoice, one will be emailed to you at the end of the registration process. After you receive the invoice, you can pay by check or by credit card any time prior to the end of the day on September 15th. If you would like to make an ACH payment, that can be done as well. Contact Dave DeJonge at information@p2f2.org for banking information.

13. What does the invoice process look like?
A: When you register for the conference, the last step is the payment process. You will have 2 options: “Pay with Credit Card” and “Pay from Invoice.” If you click on “Pay with Credit Card” you can pay immediately with a credit card. No invoice will be generated. If you click on “Pay from Invoice” an invoice will be automatically generated and emailed to you. You can email a check to the address on the invoice, or you can pay with a credit card at a later date by logging in to the P2F2 website and clicking on “My Invoices” on the left-hand side menu. You will be able to either view the invoice or pay with a credit card at that time.

14. The address on the invoice is a PO Box. We are not able to send payments to a PO Box. Do you have a physical address instead?
A: If you must send payments to a physical address, please use the following:
Marsha Volpi
277 E. Town Street
Columbus, OH 43215

15. Would my system be able to send you a list of all the attendees with invoice numbers and make one credit card payment?
No. We are unable to take credit card information and process payments on your behalf. Credit card payments must be made for each attendee separately in our membership/conference system. You can, however, send one check that covers multiple invoices.

16. Is there a group discount on registration fees?

17. What are the benefits of becoming a P2F2 member?
For only $300, members receive the following benefits:
  • Access to Email Networking with our membership (Questions and Answers)
  • Access to Member Forum with past Q&A
  • Quarterly newsletters
  • Quarterly webinars on various relevant topics
  • Free job postings
  • Free access to RFPs from other pension plans
  • Discounted conference registration fees
  • Access to the online directory of other P2F2 members
  • Collaboration in surveys and response letters to industry events such as GASB pronouncements and actuarial standards

18. What is the cancellation process?
Refunds of registration fees will be issued upon written notification received on or before September 15, 2023. Registration cancellations received on or after September 16th but on or before September 22nd are eligible for a refund of half of the registration fee.  Cancellations received after September 22, 2023, are not eligible for any refund. Refund requests should be sent to information@p2f2.org. There is no cancellation fee as long as the cancellation notification is received on or before September 15, 2023.

19. Can attendee substitutions be made?
Yes, up until the end of the day on September 15th, as long as the substitute is the same “member type” as the person being replaced. For instance, a nonmember cannot be substituted for a member. To make a substitution, send an email to information@p2f2.org. We will request some specific information from you in order to register the substitute. Please note that the way we process substitutions depends on several factors.

21. Will the Pension 101 and Pension 201 courses be offered at the conference this year?
A: No, we will not be offering the Pension 101 and Pension 201 courses at the conference this year.  We have applied for a "license" from NASBA that will allow us to grant CPE credits to those who watch the Pension 101 and 201 courses on our website and pass quizzes at the end of each session.  We hope to offer those sessions in 2024.

22. How will CPE be tracked?
All attendees will be issued a barcoded nametag.  At the end of each session your nametag will be scanned as proof that you attended that session.

23. How many CPE credits can I earn at the conference?
You may earn 3 CPE credits for attending the pre-conference session on Sunday morning.  You may earn an additional 22 CPE credits for attending the regular conference, which begins at 1:00 Sunday afternoon.

24. Will sessions be recorded?
No, sessions will not be recorded this year.

25. When will CPE certificates be available, and how can I access mine?
CPE certificates will be available on or around November 1, 2023. A link to the certificates will be put on the P2F2 website and Dave DeJonge will send out an email to all attendees letting them know how to access the certificates. We use MTS Tracking to prepare and host the certificates.

26. May I bring my spouse to the conference networking events?
 Yes, we love meeting spouses!  The events are not free, however.  The cost to bring your spouse to the Sunday welcome reception is $25, which will include drinks and light hors d'oeuvres.  The cost to bring your spouse to the Tuesday evening event at Empower Field at Mile High Stadium is $80, which includes transportation to and from the NCC, a full meal and access to all of the exhibits.

27.  Which meals/events are included in the conference fee?
  Since we are staying at an Embassy Suites, the price you pay for your room includes breakfast every day and free drinks at the Manager's Reception each evening. Your conference fee covers lunch on Monday and Tuesday, the welcome reception on Sunday evening, and the Tuesday evening dinner/reception at Empower Field at Mile High Stadium.  If you register for the pre-conference, the fee includes lunch on Sunday.  You are on your own for dinner Monday night.


The Public Pension Financial Forum is organized for education, pension advocacy and networking purposes. To support the ongoing education of our membership, we prepare quarterly newsletters, hold member facilitated conference calls and webinars, and host an annual conference.  We also have a Member Forum that allows members to ask questions and receive answers from each other.  To participate in P2F2, follow the member enrollment link above.